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  • - Verified Buyer -

    "Loved the custom name video story for my daughter. The quality of the art and sights used are magnificent"


    - Jackie T.

  • Pick your child's best story

    Choose from our collections the best story for your child to be personalized

  • Complete the order

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  • Receive your personalized story

    In less than 24 hours, you will receive you child's costume video story directly by email

Why parents loves Kindelly

more than 1,000+ ★★★★★ Reviews...

  • Engaging and Educational Content

    Our personalized stories captivate children's imaginations, turning reading into an enjoyable adventure

  • Boosting Self-Esteem

    Featuring children as the heroes in their own stories elevates their self-confidence

  • Promoting Emotional and Social Development

    Our narratives provide a safe space for children to explore complex emotions, enhancing their emotional intelligence

Our Commitment to Giving Back

At kindelly, we believe in the power of community and making a positive impact. That’s why we dedicate 5% of every sale to support charitable causes. With every purchase, you’re not just investing in quality products or services, you’re also helping to create meaningful change.